
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lapindo Crisis & Crazy Idea

Whoa back again in my blog, whew.. it's a busy time for me now. This article is about my critism against Lapindo crisis in Indonesia, so I'll use Indonesian language to comment it, bacause my English is bad and I don't want any misunderstanding for Indonesian people who read this.

"Lumpur panas masih menyembur, tiap hari baca koran slalu masih belum selesai-slesai masalahnya. Saya ada sebuah ide gila hehehehe dibilang gila soalnya ide ini bukan muncul dari orang yang ahli pertambangan hehehe. Dulu saya pernah baca di koran atau di majalah kalau tidak salah, dimana waktu itu ada rapat NU dan konon untuk mengamankan rapat itu sampai memakai kekuatan jin. Nah bicara jin & jun ini hehehehe, kenapa bangsa kita yang kekuatan supranaturalnya sangat hebat (bisa mengalahkan FedEx, DHL, atau Tiki lho lihat aja kemampuan dukun santet kita, bisa mengirimkan barang dari jarak jauh dengan hanya mengetahui foto atau barang milik korban, LUAR BIASA!! coba bayangkan modal yang diperlukan hanya kemenyan tidak usah pakai pesawat, bus, atau armada lain yg mahal sekali hahahaha sebenarnya ini peluang bagus, coba kalau semua dukun bersatu dan mendirikan perusahaan logistik, pasti luar biasa, harga bisa murah 80%!!!! dan sampai dalam hitungan detik!!! udah gitu betul2 ciri khas Indonesia dan tidak mudah ditiru).
Bicara legenda candi prambanan yang dibangun hanya semalam dengan menggunakan bantuan jin, nah mengapa kita tidak memakai kekuatan jin tersebut? kita kerahkan saja mreka semuanya lalu dibuang di AS sana hehehehe jadi sekaligus jihad tercapai, sudah gitu tidak ada bukti lagi, radar AS tidak mungkin dapat mendeteksi jin yang masuk ke negaranya, win-win solution bukan? Bagaimana dengan anda?"

Thursday, November 09, 2006

AVG Free Edition

Today I talk with my friend with YM and he said that version 7.5 FREE can used in Win2k. Hmm... strange, why I cann't installed it in my home (stand alone Win2k) and get an error message that said about the license. I'll try again this night. Hope it can.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Business Layer Framework

I started to know about some business layer Framework (for .NET framework) last month. And the last month (until now) I learn about Mere Mortal Framework there is so many things that before I always confuse about how to make a 3-tier programming more fast, and the answer is the framework like this. With this framework we can save a lot of 3-tier stuff that we must do, but until now I still don't have an idea how to make it reverse (as you know this framework has a wizard that make it easy to create business layer step by step), I mean I can change the code in business layer later after the code generation by the wizard. The "change" here is a lot of change, for example adding new field or adding a new table with some rules and business logic.

AVG Antivirus Free Edition 7.1 vs 7.5

Yesterday I download the version 7.5 of AVG Antivirus Free Edition but I surprise when the version 7.5 is cann't installed on Win2k Server. Yes I think in this new version of AVF Free edition the company has a new concept of the word "FREE" :) So if you want to have the latest edition of AVG Antivirus for Win2k then you must pay it. Yes in this world nothing can be really free. Many company always release the free version just for reach more market share and to let the others people know their product & quality after that if the respons is good then they will completely paid product or they separate the free product and the paid product